A leading provider of PCB Assembly services in the USA.

PCB Assembly Quote

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PCB Assembly Quote

Please submit your Non-ITAR information below or email us directly to get a printed circuit board assembly quote.

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Do not attach ITAR files to this form as it is not encrypted. We have a separate secure encrypted service that we use for all ITAR related items. Please fill out the form with your information and put "ITAR" in the additional form and a represenative will reach out with instructions on how to securely send us the assembly files.

What is an Assembly Package?
If available, please include the following items in your .zip pcb assembly package: Bill of Materials (BOM), Assembly Drawing, Fabrication Drawing (used to do incoming inspection of your PCB), Gerber/Drill files, and ODB++ files. If you do not have ODB++ files, please include the centroid (pick and place x/y) files.